Below are listings of the hand bag designs we currently feature. We
also have furniture, wood
carvings, metal work, bronze
items, pottery items, colorful kites, and miscellaneous
items. Please remember that we can custom design many different
handmade Bali crafts to your specifications. To view our wholesale
price list, please sign in here. If you would
like more information on the products featured, as well as custom
designs, please contact us at:
Kran Jay
Item Number: KDB092
Material: Ato Grass
Description: A simple elegant and stylish design. This lovely hand bag
measures is 5.25 inches tall, 7.5 inches wide, and 2.75 inches deep.
Item Number: KDB093
Material: Ato Grass
Description: Lovely square shaped hand bag, with design pattern. The
black design is made from the root of the ato grass. This bag is 4.5
inches wide, 5.5 inches tall, and 2 inches deep.
Diamond Ato
Item Number: KDB094
Material: Ato Grass
Description: Take a look at the intricate design of this beautiful hand
bag. It has a diamond cross hatch design, accented by the black root
near the handles. This lovely bag is 7 inches tall, 8 inches wide, and
4.5 inches deep.
Oval Rectangle Ato
Item Number: KDB095
Material: Ato Grass
Description: Gorgeous oval shaped design with a diamond pattern on the
side. It is 4.5 inches tall, 8.75 inches wide, and 4 inches deep.
Ato Pedana
Item Number: KDB096
Material: Ato Grass
Description: A distinctive unique design pattern, this elegant hand bag
is 6.5 inches tall, 8 inches wide, and 4.5 inches deep.
Oval Ato 2
Item Number: KDB097
Material: Ato Grass
Description: Similar in design to KDB095, only with a natural black
inlaid diamond pattern. This lovely bag is 6 inches tall, 8 inches
wide, and 3.5 inches deep.
Ato Handy Carryall
Item Number: KDB098
Material: Ato Grass
Description: Lovely anywhere you take it, this gorgeous hand bag is 3.5
inches tall, 6 inches wide, and 3.5 inches deep.
Ato Trapeziod
Item Number: KDB099
Material: Ato Grass
Description: A very distinctive design, this bag measures 6.5 inches
tall, is 8.75 inches wide (on the bottom) and 3.25 inches deep.)
Ato Handy 1 & 2
Item Number: KDB100 KDB101
Material: Ato Grass
Description: KDB100 (on the left) and KDB101 (on the right) are two
beautiful and elegant designs. Both measure 4 inches tall, 6.5 inches
wide, and 2.5 inches deep.
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